Sunday, 27 December 2020


            The Good and the Bad when starting a business

          Can anybody vouch that they’ve never felt the pinch of STRESS at some point in their lives? Let him be an Employee or an Employer, a Home-maker or a Super-mom or your Cranky Child. What is STRESS?


     Stress is the response you have when faced with a challenge or a potential threat. Stress is BENEFICIAL in SMALL DOSES, however when stress is a CONSTANT PART of your life, it HINDERS YOU and your PERFORMANCE at WORK. 


     Our body shows the first sign of stress by default. The symptoms could be PHYSICAL like aches and pains, blood pressure or even increased risk of heart attack; BEHAVIOURAL SYMPTOMS like anger, overly emotional, depressed, lack of energy, impatience, or even suicidal tendencies; SOCIAL STRESS OR RELIGIOUS STRESS. “Lok kay boltil?” majorly governs our life, “Me engineer jhalo karan vadilanchi iccha hoti”, “Me ratra-divas ek kartoy pan majha Udyog kahi baharat nahi”, “Kiti hi kele tari bayko khush hot nahi”. Simply trying to ignore the issues or having a few extra drinks might help for some time but in the long run??


       Sure, stress will remain a part of our life but if it is affecting your performance at work and your general well-being, it is essential to work on it so that it becomes a positive part of your life by really bringing the best out of you.

       Still if you are unable to see a way out, you can surely take support. Having Counseling can help you address the underlying issues related to your stress, such as low self-esteem, lack of confidence; by offering a safe environment for you to explore your issues and fears in confidence. It aids in your growth, both personal and professional. So next time you feel STRESS, remember it's worth taking the steps to find ways of reducing it because when managed well; stress can improve your productivity and help bring the best out of you when you need it the most.