Showing posts with label expectations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label expectations. Show all posts

Sunday, 27 December 2020


            The Good and the Bad when starting a business

          Can anybody vouch that they’ve never felt the pinch of STRESS at some point in their lives? Let him be an Employee or an Employer, a Home-maker or a Super-mom or your Cranky Child. What is STRESS?


     Stress is the response you have when faced with a challenge or a potential threat. Stress is BENEFICIAL in SMALL DOSES, however when stress is a CONSTANT PART of your life, it HINDERS YOU and your PERFORMANCE at WORK. 


     Our body shows the first sign of stress by default. The symptoms could be PHYSICAL like aches and pains, blood pressure or even increased risk of heart attack; BEHAVIOURAL SYMPTOMS like anger, overly emotional, depressed, lack of energy, impatience, or even suicidal tendencies; SOCIAL STRESS OR RELIGIOUS STRESS. “Lok kay boltil?” majorly governs our life, “Me engineer jhalo karan vadilanchi iccha hoti”, “Me ratra-divas ek kartoy pan majha Udyog kahi baharat nahi”, “Kiti hi kele tari bayko khush hot nahi”. Simply trying to ignore the issues or having a few extra drinks might help for some time but in the long run??


       Sure, stress will remain a part of our life but if it is affecting your performance at work and your general well-being, it is essential to work on it so that it becomes a positive part of your life by really bringing the best out of you.

       Still if you are unable to see a way out, you can surely take support. Having Counseling can help you address the underlying issues related to your stress, such as low self-esteem, lack of confidence; by offering a safe environment for you to explore your issues and fears in confidence. It aids in your growth, both personal and professional. So next time you feel STRESS, remember it's worth taking the steps to find ways of reducing it because when managed well; stress can improve your productivity and help bring the best out of you when you need it the most. 




Tuesday, 30 August 2016


       In the last blog, I discussed about Myths & the need for Counselling. This blog is a furtherment towards narrowing the need for Counselling, supporting you all in recognizing the Signs N Symptoms. It is a sad fact that even after so much of advancement in practically all the fields, Counselling still is considered a “taboo”.
          An immediate retaliation is notice.. “Crazy people go for counselling!!” “Are you suffering from a nervous breakdown?” There is bemusement. Not to mention the fact, many still operate from the zone, “Thank God, I have been saved from falling in the hands of a Counsellor/Therapist”. It is easy to pretend, “I AM OKAY!” One is saved of the embarrassment, ridicule, questioning, labeling, and categorization.

          One cannot deny that keeping up with a fast-paced environment is physically & mentally strenuous. However, equally vital is the fact that pretending is surely not going to help for long!! In an attempt to lead a healthy, meaningful and spiritual life, many traverse through yoga, meditation, self-help books, relaxing vacations, long drives, development training programs, etc.
          A thought arises in the midst of all, “Why not look at Counselling process as just one of the many mediums available to us?” Let it be bringing clarity of thoughts, identifying issues, managing life, defining problem, discovering an unconscious block… a Counsellor/Therapist is going to support you, work… one on one with you. There is a possibility that psychiatric medicines may be required to be involved, however, visiting a Counsellor/Therapist does NOT mandatorily include medicine too!
          Before we try to recognize the Signs N Symptoms to avail services of a Counsellor/Therapist, it is vital to understand that you do not need to be a Depression patient or a Schizophrenic. A simple action like drowning self in endless work or with sexuality or with substances (food/alcohol/drugs) to avoid anything that causes trouble or upset or pain or loneliness, needs to be addressed through Psychological Counselling. The attempt to avoid an untoward circumstance only sinks you further in gloomy darkness of despair.
Ø  Anxiety
Ø  Depression & Mania
Ø  Family Issues
Ø Health: Addiction/Disorders/Illness & Somatoform Disorders/Pain Management/Smoking Cessation/Stress Management/Wellness
Ø  Performance Enhancement
Ø  Phobias
Ø  Spiritual Issues
Ø  Trauma/PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)

          Anxiety can be considered as the next stage/aggravated stage of FEAR. Fear is a feeling/state observed when you actually face an untoward situation. For eg:- While walking down a road, a stray dog suddenly jumps on you trying to bite. It is very natural response to feel fearful/scared and attempt to save self from getting bitten.
          However, every time getting worried seeing a dog in public, even it is a pet dog, tied with a leash, fearing that the dog will still jump and will bite… that’s ANXIETY. Anxiety relates to a threat that is imaginary, not necessary that it will happen.
          The psychological basis for Anxiety can usually be located in childhood experiences that lack clear explanations and guidance from parents who tend to be disinterested, critical, or abusive. Hence, the children grow to dread circumstances that have unknown or unpredictable aspects.
          Many live with a constant, general sense of worry and anxiety. Typical symptoms are tension, restlessness, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbance and difficulty concentrating. One can also experience panic attack, where heart beats faster and faster.
          There are periods in almost everybody’s life, which can be referred to as feeling “blue” or “down”.
          Hormonal changes in teenagers can sometimes make them moody, disturbed, upset, cranky. Bereavement, death of someone close can involve feelings, which are similar to depression.
          Major Depression/Major Depressive Disorder/Clinical Depression/Unipolar Depression involves low mood and/or loss of interest in regular activities.
          Sometimes you may loose touch with reality, experience psychosis, like hallucinations or delusions. At this point, interaction with the help of medication may be required. Counsellor/Therapist may advise you medications or refer you to a Psychiatrist as an adjunct to Counselling/Therapy.
          Mania is like the opposite of Depression – symptoms include feeling great, having lots of energy, having racing thoughts and little need for sleep, talking quickly, having difficulty focusing on tasks and feeling frustrated and irritable. There could be hallucinations. It can be a family history too.
          Family – a tree of various relationships, involving different age groups, different ideologies, thought processes, expectations, demands, personal space, intimacy, communication, societal stress, etc. innumerable factors lead to many complications.
          Family therapy is best suited for addressing family conflicts. One needs to accept the fact that many a times the family’s own attempts to solve a problem has actually caused new problems!!
          Intervention by a Third Party Unbiased Person – Counsellor/Therapist is the best course of action.
          From hereditary diseases/disorders to a mere heachache can govern one’s day-to-day life adding to anxiety, fear, anticipation, frustration.
          Counselling can be uses as a therapeutic adjunct in several fields:
·         Addictions
·         Substance Abuse/Substance Dependence
·         Withdrawal/Alcoholism as a Disease
·         Eating Disorders/Obesity
·         Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
·         Smoking Cessation
·         Puberty (Male & Female)
·         Premenstrual Syndrome
·         Menopause
In cancer patients, for the process of pain management or help cope with chronic (on-going) pain, Counsellor/Therapist often serve as Pain Teams in hospitals.
          The thought process governing our very own existence in birth, trying to find or search the personal meaning in life, a general well-being of life satisfaction, directions usually tend to confuse one more. Again, issues as coming to terms with mortality, future creation, ancestral problems, ghosts… questioning their existence… leads to a varied complexity in our day-to-day life.
          Least to say many a times, we find it difficult to talk about our problems even with friends or family because they are directly involved in the issues.
          There is also a chance/possibility that before you recognize that you need support, a colleague or friend or a family member or your partner may suggest it to you. Do not go into retaliation immediately. Seeking support of a Counsellor/Therapist could be the next best option that your loved ones/well-wishers is wishing you to explore. Counselling can help you improve your relationships with Self and others and also your ability to communicate.

 Feel free to connect with me through:

Counselor Poonam Khairnar on Facebook

Poonam Khairnar