Showing posts with label emotional health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emotional health. Show all posts

Saturday 14 August 2021



          “Food is my companion”.

 “Am a coffee lover”.

“I love binge eating anything that is sweet”. (Personally to say, this was one of my own favorite sentence, sweets being my weak point).

Anita, a happy teenager loved spending most of her time in front of the mirror. Off late she started visiting washroom immediately after eating, something that her mother got concerned about.

Sameer had suddenly started avoiding going in family functions, meeting up friends. He had started eating food alone in his room and it perplexed his family with the sudden change in his behavior.

Often we have come across such situations some or the other time in our lives. Perhaps we have used these sentences for ourselves too!! Shall we say that we have felt proud too while saying it?? Little do we realize that it can be an indication by our body to us for some or other pending issue.  

However, when FOOD becomes our comfort or discomfort zone then it is time to stop and analyze. What? Why? When? Who? The W’s need to come in to play. So… let’s start!!


“Eating” can be defined as – HUNGER & SATIETY. Eating disorder is characterized by severe disturbances in eating behavior, related thoughts and emotions associated with it. It is one of the psychological disorders.

Then comes the next W..

                  WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF ED?? 

There is no specific cause that can be pinpointed for ED. It can be a combination of various factors such as family relationships, psychological problems, genetics, social factors to name a few.

                          WHO ALL ARE AT THE RISK OF ED??

Observed in teenagers and in young adulthood; it is more common in women. However, people can develop it later in life too. 


                  HOW CAN AN ED BE DIAGNOSED?? 

Ø A medical history, which includes asking about your symptoms. It is important to be honest about your eating and exercise behaviors so your provider can help you

Ø  A physical exam

Ø  Blood or Urine tests to rule out other possible causes

Ø Other tests to see whether you have any other health problems caused by the eating disorder. These can include kidney function tests and an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG)


Amongst the many types, the main types of ED are:-

1.   Anorexia Nervosa  

2.   Bulimia Nervosa

3.   Binge Eating Disorder

ANOREXIA NERVOSA :- People will intentionally avoid food intake or eat very small quantities of only certain foods. They may see themselves as overweight, even when they are dangerously underweight! Anorexia nervosa is the least common of the three eating disorders, but is often the most serious one. It has the highest death rate of any mental disorder.

        BULIMIA NERVOSA :- People will have periods of regular and uncontrolled episodes of binge-eating/over-eating. Afterwards, they purge, by making themselves throw up/vomit or use laxatives. They may also over-exercise or fast. People with bulimia nervosa may be slightly underweight, normal weight, or overweight.

       BINGE-EATING :- also known as "out-of-control eating". People tend to keep eating even when not hungry. It is usually followed by experiencing feelings of guilt, shame, and distress post eating. Eating too much too often can lead to weight gain and obesity. One may engage in sporadic and repetitive diets.


          The symptoms of ANOREXIA NERVOSA :-

         Ø  Eating very little, to the point of starving yourself

Ø  Intensive and excessive exercise

Ø  Extreme thinness

Ø  Intense fear of gaining weight

Ø Distorted body image - seeing yourself as overweight even when you are severely underweight

The symptoms of BINGE-EATING :-

        Ø  Eating unusually large amounts of food in a specific amount of time, such as as a 2-hour period

Ø  Eating even when you're full or not hungry

Ø  Eating fast during binge episodes

Ø  Eating until you're uncomfortably full

Ø  Eating alone or in secret to avoid embarrassment

Ø  Feeling distressed, ashamed, or guilty about your eating

Ø  Frequently dieting, possibly without weight loss

         The symptoms of BULIMIA NERVOSA :- include the same symptoms as Binge-eating, plus trying to get rid of the food or weight after binging by -

         Ø  Purging, making yourself throw up or using laxatives or enemas to speed up the movement of food through your body

Ø  Doing intensive and excessive exercise

Ø  Fasting


Over time, anorexia nervosa can cause health problems such as :-

Ø  Thinning of the bones (osteopenia or osteoporosis)

Ø  Mild anemia

Ø  Muscle wasting and weakness

Ø  Thin, brittle hair and nails

Ø  Dry, blotchy, or yellowish skin

Ø  Severe constipation

Ø  Low blood pressure

Ø  Slowed breathing and pulse

Ø  Feeling cold all the time because of a drop in internal body temperature

Ø  Feeling faint, dizzy, or weak

Ø  Infertility

Ø  Damage to the structure and function of the heart

Ø  Brain damage

Ø  Multiorgan failure

       Anorexia Nervosa can be fatal. Some people with this disorder die of complications from starvation, and others die of suicide.

Over time, BULIMIA NERVOSA can cause health problems such as

Ø  Chronically inflamed and sore throat

Ø  Swollen salivary glands in the neck and jaw area

Ø Worn tooth enamel and increasingly sensitive and decaying teeth. This is caused by the exposure to stomach acid every time you throw up.

Ø  GERD (acid reflux) and other gastrointestinal problems

Ø  Severe dehydration from purging

Ø  Electrolyte imbalance, which could be too low or too high levels of sodium, calcium, potassium and other minerals. This can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

        Some people with eating disorders may also have other mental disorders (such as depression or anxiety) or problems with substance use.


Treatment plans for eating disorders are tailored to individual needs. The health care providers involved include psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, dieticians or nutritional advisers, social workers, occupational therapists and nurses.

The treatments may include :-

Ø  Individual, group, and/or family psychotherapy. Individual therapy focusing on cognitive behavioral approaches, which help you to identify and change negative and unhelpful thoughts. It also helps you build coping skills and change behavioral patterns.

Ø  Medical care and monitoring, including care for the complications that eating disorders can cause.

Ø  Nutrition counseling. Doctors, nurses, and counselors will help you eat healthy to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

Ø  Medicines, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, or mood stabilizers, may help treat some eating disorders. The medicines can also help with the depression and anxiety symptoms that often go along with eating disorders.

Ø  Some people with serious eating disorders may need to be in a hospital or in a residential treatment program. Residential treatment programs combine housing and treatment services.

 So, what's on your mind?? 

Poonam R Khairnar
Relationship Counselor


Saturday 9 May 2020



                  Starting my career as a Counselor was itself a challenge to me too. My professional career as a Pharmacist was in trouble, had just made a round to a Lawyer's office trying to search for an outcome for the turbulent marriage. It was a chaos with family and friends and well wishers almost everybody providing "free of cost" advice for the literally "life and death" situation of mine!!

                  I must say all the ideas, advices, pravachans bombarded on me did to some point provide solace, comfort, breathing space too. However, none of it seemed to be long term. It did seem to provide me instant gratification like the 5 minutes instant noodles!! Obviously, the fish market chaos would return in no time in my head.

               Oddly, I noticed that I was able to support, guide, comfort others with similar issues! I couldn't help myself, couldn't see clearly for myself but was able to show right paths for others!! So keeping my troubles on the backburner, I enrolled for a course in Basic Counseling CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) with Dr. Minu Bhonsale at Heart to Heart Institute.

                    The idea was to empower myself with the tools in a systematic manner to be effective and result oriented for others in need. And there the MAGIC happened! The tools, the assignments, the sharings of us all students, the experiences and the profound knowledge of Dr. Minu Man helped me see where I stood, what was it that stopped me, what I could still create from the rut of my life. It was amazing, the Healer getting healed first... to become ready and prepared for the job with empathy and not sympathy!!


                       Not every student who attended the course became a Counselor. Many like me, healed their wounds and returned happily to their lives. Many others utilized the learnings in their already existing professions. And the remaining few including me decided to walk the path, bring in the much required Sunshine in the invisible sorrow filled hearts of many.

                       I started by saying that my career as a Counselor was challenging. Yes, it sure was. I remember for nearly a year, I was conducting free workshops on various topics, creating awareness on the need of counseling. Created awareness that the matters, issues to be dealt with remain only between the Counselor and the Counselee. The privacy of the Counselee is well protected. had started writing blogs too. Had taken sessions of personal counseling on Rs. 1 fee structure. Just as Body Health (Physical Health) needs to be cared for, similarly Mind Health (Emotional Health) is also very important. Mind and body function closely together creating the much needed harmony of our overall well being.

                         One does not become a Counselor by just passing the exams conducted for the course but a Counselor grows by each and every case that he/she handles. While gaining my peace of mind, my confidence in myself; finally I risked my Pharmacy profession and started operating as a full time Counselor. Time and patience are the two important tools for any and everything and yes, I too cleared all the hurdles of my personal and professional life with flying colours!!

                        It was a long time lingering thought that I should now start writing blogs again, share my journey as a Counselor, share the stories that may resonate with many of you out there, pen down the varied cases I have handled, is handling.. for you to be guided by it in your ups and downs and also to let you know that am here, nearby, available to you all at all times you need/require support, guidance, listening ear, clarity..

                        Stay tuned. Soon will share Counseling cases and stories and my journey as a Counselor too.

              Feel free to reach out to me.

Relationship Counselor
Magical Relationship Counselors

Saturday 5 December 2015


          The word "Health" by default is attached to our physical health only. The emotional aspect is now slowly gaining its much needed importance not only for self or individual but also in relationships/institution of marriage.
          Being emotionally healthy simply defines our control on our emotions & our behaviour attached with our emotions.
          Pramod had recently joined a new firm since he wasn't happy with his previous company. He would be mostly irritated, impatient with his colleagues there. However, to his dismay he had somehow landed with same kind of environment again!! A shift in the thought process was brought to Pramod's notice, "As the seed of thought is sowed, so shall be the sapling growing!!" The grudges, complaints, upsets against the colleagues of the previous company was still present in his memory. All it needed for the same zone to pop up was a few instances to occur in the new firm too!
          "Why me?" a question comprising of just 2 words encompasses one into anger, frustration, depression, zone of fear of failure, loneliness, many-a-times affects one's physical health, performance in work and yes, most importantly, the base of Marriage is endangered.
          It is easier and also a habit of most of us to first blame another for any situation/event arisen. By doing so primarily the burden of owning responsibility is immediately shrugged off onto another. For the time being, there is peace or let's say the gravity of mess created by self in that particular situation/event is diluted. However, in the long run it is just the beginning of the downfall of a relationship. Trust, loyalty, belief system, attitude, behaviour, space, peace... in short the world of the two people in the Marriage is slowly uprooted.
          The prominent fear faced and never accepted by the couple is the fear of non-acceptance by the other partner.
          Neeta knew that her fear of insecurity many-a-times had caused her to suspect her husband's loyalty in their marriage. She also doubted self thinking she is not good enough a partner in marriage to her man. Her continuous thought process made her more anxious, impatient, irritable. However, instead of owing and addressing the issue, she automatically found it easier to put blame on her husband. "He is always coming late." "He never answers my phone calls." "He never appreciates me."
          As cold and flu is known contagious disease, the emotional illness of one partner gradually affects the emotional well-being of the other partner. The children/future generation too is indirectly getting affected. It is not only the new generation that is arrogant or impatient or non-adjusting but what they have witnessed in their growing years is also important to be considered.
          The marriage is an institution wherein efforts by both the partners is required to be put in. It is never an attempt of workability on the part of one partner only, in marriage. Like all fingers of the hand are not the same, so is the case with the couple in Marriage. Instead of "Who is falling short?" "How can we rekindle the spark in Marriage?" is the question to be addressed.

          The search for the emotional well-being in a Marriage will surely start with the couples readiness to accept their responsibility in the Marriage, evaluate their shortcomings and commit to self to work on those. All you need to do is look for the support system around in the form of family, friends... COUNSELLOR.  


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Counselor Poonam Khairnar on Facebook

Poonam Khairnar